Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Big Marketing Magic Pill.

Too many people are looking for some Marketing Magic Pill that will send their business through the roof.

I got an email from Marlon Sanders today that addressed this point clearly. Here's what he said:

"Think about it. If you spend 4 years
in college and yet 80% of the people can NOT get a job in the
field they get their degree in and 95% of the graduates make
under $100,000 a year, do you REALLY think buying 1 course you
study in 3 weeks will do for you what a college degree won't?


This is a process. It requires effort and learning.

Not magic. I really worry about people who think that buying one
inexpensive product (compared to a college education) can do
what college can't! I just don't get that. Seriously."

Great advice. It is a process.

Take the time learn how to market your business and you will be rewarded well.

1 comment:

Good Vibe Coach said...

You're right, as usual, Jeff. Work work work! lol

How about we lighten up and have some fun? I'm inviting you to a game of blog tag that I don't even know how to play, which is probably your fault:


Do you know how I love you?!?! LOTS!